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Screenshots of the MSQT Web Application

See MSQT in Action

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Image Description Version
MSQT/SBE, MSQT/Admin and MSQT/Alivie at a glance. 0.7
The MSQT/SBE (SNPs Between Ecotypes) Module.

This is the front end to query the dataset for SNPs between individuals or groups of individuals.
MSQT/SBE provides a built-in alignment viewer, Alivie. 0.4
MSQT/ADF (Assay Development Formatter) assist the user in developing SNP detection assays.

All sequence information is represented in one line of text, the primary SNP is enclosed in square brackets and highlighted red. All additional changes are enclosed in curly brackets and highlighted blue.
MSQT/SNIPED! An "Expert" mode wrapper to query the SNIPED! table by allele frequencies and distance to neighbouring SNPs. 0.7.1
The "Expert" mode (MSQT/E) lets the user directly interact with the databases using SQL.
This screenshots shows a query generated by MSQT/SNIPED! and the resulting tuples.
MSQT/Admin is password protected to secure your data. 0.7.1
Upload your data archives with the Data Uploader module of MSQT/Admin 0.7.1
Before populating a database, the Data Uploader shows you a summary of your uploaded dataset. 0.7.1
Manage your uploaded datasets with the Dataset Manager module. 0.7.1
Manage the SNIPED! tables for your dataset with Snipe4SNPs. 0.7.1
The Snipe4SNPs wizard assists you to mine SNPs. 0.7.1
The Snipe4SNPs progress monitor. 0.7.1