Installing MSQT on Ubuntu Linux =============================== 1. Installing Apache -------------------- > apt-get install apache2 2. Installing PostgreSQL ------------------------ > sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.1 > sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libpq-dev is dependency from DBD::Pg and must be installed on the webserver host 3. Setting up a password for the postgres user: ----------------------------------------------- > sudo su postgres -c psql template1 template1=# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'yourpass'; template1=# \q 4. Create the users needed by MSQT: ----------------------------------- sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -R msqt sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -R msqtwebuser 5. Setting up a password for the msqt users: -------------------------------------------- > sudo su postgres -c psql template1 template1=# ALTER USER msqt WITH PASSWORD 'msqtpass'; template1=# ALTER USER msqtwebuser WITH PASSWORD 'msqtpass'; template1=# \q You must use the identical password for both, msqt and msqtwebuser. 6. Create the MSQT database: ---------------------------- sudo -u postgres createdb -O msqt msqt 7. Download and extract the MSQT-Archive ---------------------------------------- > cd /tmp > curl -O host/msqt-0.7.1.tar.gz > tar -xvzf msqt-0.7.1.tar.gz 8. Create the administrative tables: ------------------------------------ > cd msqt-0.7.1/install/ > sudo -u postgres psql msqt < ./sql/setup_msqtconfig.sql 9. Install the web application ------------------------------ > cd ../config Edit msqt.conf Set the following parameters: DBPASS="msqtpass" DBHOST="" MSQTWEBROOT="/var/www/msqt-0.7.1" MSQTCGIROOT="/usr/lib/cgi-bin/msqt-0.7.1" STATIC_URL_PREFIX="http:///msqt-0.7.1" CGI_URL_PREFIX="http:///cgi-bin/msqt-0.7.1" WEBSERVERUSER=www-data WEBSERVERGROUP=www-data Use your hostname instead of 'localhost' if you want remote access, or your database server is located on a remote machine. For password protection of MSQT/Admin provide an username and password: MSQTADMINUSER="admin" MSQTADMINPASS="xxx" Then change into the install subdirectory and execute the installation script: > cd ../install > ./ If you are missing some perl module dependencies, install them with the following command: perl -MCPAN -e 'install ', e.G. > perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::Pg' 10. Post installation --------------------- The first thing to do now ist to upload a dataset using the MSQT/Admin module and define it as the default dataset (Dataset manager). Otherwise you will get an software error.